Thursday 17 April 2014

Sunny's Delights: Food, Artworks and Music

After a couple of my internet friends suggested me to make cooking videos, and since I don't have the equipment or the big, wide kitchen to film videos, I've been thinking of having a blog.  So here it is!
When I was in elementary school, other kids would make fun of my name, calling me Sunny Delight (I went to a french school so Sunny was never heard of before).  Then I was searching for a blog's name and my boyfriend said "Sunny's Delight's" and I'm still not sure about it but I have to admit it's clever.

I'll be sharing with you my food, my food shopping, my drawings and paintings, the music I like and some slices of life.  When I cook, I use recipes and videos from the internet, books, or I create my own.  When recipes are my own or come from books, I'll write them down, but when I'm just using someone else's recipes from the internet or YouTube without much modifications, I'll just share the link and my own notes.  I really want everyone to get credited for their work.

So to start my blog, I'll use old pictures of food I cooked in the past and that my boyfriend and I really enjoyed, and deconstruct the recipes, until I have enough posts to just post meals when I actually make them.  I'll try to post at least 5 days a week or more.

When I'm not busy cooking, I like to draw.  But drawing takes a lot of time, so I'll post some old artworks and a couple times a year, some new stuff.  I like to listen to music when I cook and draw, so there will be some of that too!

So I hope it turns alright and that people will try my recipes and enjoy this blog as much as I like to share!

Hello to everyone from the group Foods and Plants, we'll always live on!

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