Friday 13 June 2014

Satay Babi (Indonesian)

Here's a short post to tell you that I finally found the complex flavours I was looking for in Indonesian cooking!  I tried these Satay Babi from DailyCookingQuest, Anita's blog, who specializes in Indonesian, Thai, Japanese and Chinese food I think.  These satays are really flavourful (kaffir lime leaves, galangal, a bunch of aromatics AND dried spices).  They're SO good!  You should really check her website.  I will probably try and post about a lot of her recipes in the future, there's many interesting ones to choose from, and of course, the pictures are gorgeous and appetizing! You can find the recipe for Satay Babi here!:

I served the satays with the dipping sauce included in the Satay Babi recipe, white rice and a lalapan (veggie platter with a sambal dip) with a peanut sambal.  As I mentioned in the previous post, Gyoza in Peanut Sauce with String Beans Mushrooms and Basil, I found a peanut sauce I really enjoy.  It's spicy, a little sweet, and aromatic.  I didn't expect the satays to be that sweet (way sweeter than the peanut sauce), I should have served the lalapan with a savoury sambal to balance everything.  It still was delicious!  About the recipe for the peanut sauce, it's actually a salad dressing, so to make peanut sambal/dip, just use half the amount of water suggested when diluting the peanut paste.  It keeps good in the fridge for about a week probably, so if you want to use some as a salad dressing or a sauce, you can always dilute a portion later.  I diluted it with coconut milk instead of water for my Gyoza in Peanut Sauce and it was really good!  Here's the link to the recipe:

Goodnight people!

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