Thursday 1 May 2014

Banh Bao and Yu Choy Salad (Vietnamese, Japanese) Huge Vietnamese Buns and Versatile Sesame Dressing

I remember seeing this video for Bahn Bao a month or two ago and thinking "that's a lot of fillings"!  I'm so happy I finally tried it (and doubled the recipe, froze a lot!) because IT IS THE BEST BUN FILLING I EVER HAD EVER, my boyfriend said the same thing, and we had buns from everywhere in Chinatown.  The main mixture is pork, two types of dried mushrooms, onions, carrots and a bunch of seasonings, topped with an egg and surrounded by many thin slices of Chinese sausage.  Sriracha works incredibly well with it!  Again I took the recipe from the very skilled Helen from Danang Cuisine/Helen's Recipes and it was long but easy to make.  It's a really long process, but totally worth it!  I have to tips she didn't mention that really helped me: roll the dough out even more than what Helen says, maybe 4-5 inches diameter, and before pinching/closing the bun, run your finger all around the edge of the flat disk of dough with a little water like for dumplings, which really helps to keep the dough closed together.  Here's the recipe and video:

I also accompanied the buns with cucumber slices, some leftover carrot and green papaya pickles and some blanched yu choy tossed with this easy sesame dressing I've been using for years, which is also good with all kinds of raw or blanched veggies!

Main ingredients:
-1 1/2tbsp nerigoma or tahini, black or white
-1/2tbsp saké
-2tbsp sugar
-25mL shoyu (Japanese soy sauce)
-3tbsp ground roasted black and/or white sesame

-sushi vinegar to taste (recipe follows)
-more shoyu if needed
-some pan roasted leeks (optional but delicious)

Mix the main ingredients together well.  Then add sushi vinegar little by little until the acidity is to your taste.  Adjust the saltiness with more shoyu if needed.  Add roasted leeks if using.

Sushi vinegar ingredients:

-2 1/2tbsp rice vinegar
-1 1/2tbsp brown sugar
-1/2tsp salt

Heat everything in a pan until the sugar has dissolved then cool.


  1. there's no link for the recipe or video

  2. The link for the Banh Bao is at the end of the first paragraph (I still don't know how to make clickable links) and the sesame sauce recipe is mine, it's written down after...


    Here you go! The link gets lost in the text.
